Monday, August 26, 2013

Xamarin iOS app setup intro (Visual Studio)

To make the Visual Studio build iOS apps, you need to install Xamarin Studio on the Mac and possibly update your XCode version. Follow the requirements and instructions from
After all setup is done, in Visual Studio create a iOS \ Universal app.
Make sure you have Solution Platforms combo-box available in the standard command bar, otherwise click on the overflow button and choose Add\Remove buttons, and choose Solution Platforms. This combo-box should show iPhone and iPhoneSimulator options.
To connect to the mac machine, I am using VNC viewer:
In Visual Studio, running the app you might get an error on the mac: “The simulated application quit.” and an option to switch SDK.
Here’s the things I did to make it work:
- make sure you have Application name (‘HelloWorld_App1’), Identifier (‘com.helloworldapp’), Version (1) and Deployment Target (6.1) set.
- if you get the error, right click and select to dock the simulator.  I was able to select ‘Reset settings’ from the menu just before the error dialog appeared. If not try to delete ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator directory on your Mac

Other info on the iOS setup:

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